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OPF College F-11/2 provides students with quality education and basic skills proficiency. The college fosters academic and career success through the development of critical thinking, effective communication, creativity, and cultural awareness in a safe, accessible, and affordable learning environment. In meeting the needs of our demographically diverse student population, we embrace equality and accountability through measurable learning outcomes, consistence monitoring &follow up and student achievement.
Afiya Absar's Message (Principal)
I am deeply honored to welcome you to be a part of the OPF family working at the F11 campus. Since we are stepping into a new academic year- filled with ambitions and aspirations, I would like to communicate the 3Ps i.e., Premises, Professionals and Practices of my institution. Our college premises has a purpose-built infrastructure- providing the best educational facilities for the physical and cognitive development of your child. We have a team of professionals- experienced and empathetic staff members, working 24/7 to ensure the safety and future of your child. Preserving our national heritage and cultural norms is the sole purpose of our teaching practices. Our teachers are using updated teaching resources to facilitate the learning process. Moreover, we provide ample learning opportunities that feed the young brains with creativity and problem-solving attitude- transforming them into individuals who will add their contribution to uplift their community. Our teaching strategies are driven by intrinsic motivation, providing moral support and career counselling tips to our students so that every child has some dream or goal to accomplish in the future. I look forward to your full support in promoting this cause of 'education for all'.
Afiya Absar
Each section of the school boasts its own library. The libraries are well-stocked to cater for all areas od study ranging from literature to science, art and sciences.
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